Résidence d'artistes
Château Mercier, Sierre, Valais, Suisse
You are here > Residents > 2012

Residents who stayed at the Villa Ruffieux in 2012

The following artists have stayed Mercier Castle residence in Sierre.
  • Ludovic CHAZAUD, comedian from 27.01.2012 to 05.03.2012

  • Jeremy SONNTAG, comedian from 22.02.2012 to 29.02.2012

  • Barbara CAVENG, visual artist from 17.03.2012 to 31.03.2012

  • Yann MINGARD, photographer from 05.03.2012 to 30.04.2012

  • Nabi NARA, photographer from 11.04.2012 to 29.06.2012

  • Mahmoud CHOUKI, musician from 14.05.2012 to 28.05.2012

  • Philippe TREUILLE, musician from 10.07.2012 to 09.08.2012

  • Patrice GENET, author from 13.08.2012 to 19.08.2012

  • Christophe NIVAGGIOLI, photographer from 13.08.2012 to 20.08.2012

  • Liesj DE LAET, photographer from 17.09.2012 to 30.10.2012

  • Arturo ARANGO, film screenwriter from 17.09.2012 to 29.10.2012

  • Erika J. PIRL- Cie Zevada, dancer from 15.09.2012 to 15.12.2012

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